Opportunity Over Oppression
Precious Knowledge is a documentary about the steps one school district took to inspire and teach students about their heritage, and the opposition they faced. It follows the teachers and students of the Mexican American/Raza Studies class at Tucson Magnet High School in Arizona. According to the 2010 US Census, the population of Tucson, Arizona, is 42.6% hispanic, compared to 18% nationally. Given these statistics, it is clear why an Ethnic Studies program would be desirable in this district. Teachers and students recognized a need for these students to see themselves in their texts and curricula, and this was not happening. The three students of focus in the documentary were Crystal, Pricila, and Gilbert. Each student expressed a desire to learn that clashed with the culture of their school. They felt pushed out, like education wasn’t for them even though they recognized the value of it. One teacher in the documentary stated that although ...