Reflective Practitioner

As a result of my dive into past classes, I am more cognizant of the ways that I have benefitted as a teacher in the ASTL program. The chart below organizes some of my thoughts as I reflect on the changes I have made and can still make.

Action Plan
Area 1: Classroom
-More organized bulletin boards

-More skills-based activities available

-Shelving and tables
-Switch growth mindset board to computer side; find more posters and materials for each unit; make a better word wall!

-Print out grammar practice coloring pages, word searches, crosswords, etc. Create drawers to organize them, and include puzzle books and maybe an actual ongoing puzzle table

-Ask the custodian for another bookshelf, and see if there are any extra tables available to make alternative workstations
Area 2: Planning
-Create curriculum map where we can insert our UBD units/lessons 

-Work on themed units that contain UBD plans, individualize by team
-Both are beginning to be addressed in capstone; unit 1 is almost done

-Collaborate with Mary and Danielle on our units/share what I’ve already created
Area 3: Students
-Do more to get to know them early in the year/collect data

-Improve RTI process and identifying/helping students who need more support
-Borrow Linda’s survey, which is way more detailed than mine, and do interviews in the first week or so of school

-Perhaps require students who get certain grades/have a certain number of missing assignments to stay after, like a working detention
Area 4: Co-workers
-Be more patient with para
-Try to remember that she’s doing the best she can, and she only asks so many questions because she cares
Area 5: Professional Practice
-Try to attend more RIWP events or other content-specific PD opportunities
-Be more active in the social media teacher arena 
-May need to prioritize over weekend/summer plans
-Check FB pages regularly and follow more blogs

My main area of concern is and has been curriculum and planning, as I never have enough time or resources to tackle them the way that I truly want to. I have spent countless hours and dollars researching and purchasing material that I think will benefit my students, and I am just now starting to take that back to my department. My plan for my capstone project is to synthesize the materials that I have created and units I have structured in a way that makes sense and provides me with a more concrete plan of action for each school year. I am considering all of the constraints I face as I do this, but most importantly focusing on what is best for my students.


  1. I like the idea of a working detention. Makes sense. It is also very smart to borrow another teachers survey.. sharing is caring!

  2. I also have the goal of being nicer to my para, it's a true test of patience.

  3. I hope the janitor gets all the pieces you need for your new work stations plan!


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